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API Reference

API Reference

Here's the API reference for the tailwind-variants exported types and functions.

import { tv } from 'tailwind-variants'
const element = tv(options, config)
// call the element function to get the class names
element({'...'}) // => string
// call the element function with slots to get the class names
const { slot1, slot2 } = element({...}) // => Record<Function, Function>
slot1({}) // => string
// access to the returned object
element.base // => string
element.slots // => Record<string, string>
element.variants // => Record<string, string>
element.variantKeys // => string[]
element.defaultVariants // => Record<string, string>
element.compoundVariants // => Array<Record<string, string>>
element.compoundSlots // => Array<Record<string, string>>


The options argument is an object with the following properties:

type TVOptions = {
  extend?: TVReturnType | undefined;
  base?: ClassValue;
  slots?: Record<string, ClassValue>;
  variants?: Record<string, Record<string, ClassValue>>;
  defaultVariants?: Record<string, ClassValue>;
  compoundVariants?: Array<Record<string, string> & ClassProp>;
  compoundSlots?: Array<Record<string, string> & ClassProp>;


description: This property allows you to extend the base styles, slots, variants, defaultVariants and compoundVariants from another component.

type: TVReturnType | undefined

default: undefined

To learn more about Components composition, check out this page.


description: This property allows you to define the base styles for the component.

type: ClassValue

default: undefined


description: This property allows you to define the slots for the component.

type: Record<string, ClassValue> | undefined

default: {}

To learn more about slots and how to use them, check out the Slots page.


description: This property allows you to define the variants for the component.

type: Record<string, Record<string, ClassValue>> | undefined

default: {}

To learn more about variants and how to use them, check out the Variants page.


description: This property allows you to define the default variants for the component.

type: Record<string, ClassValue> | undefined

default: {}

To learn more about default variants and how to use them, check out the Default Variants page.


description: This property allows you to define the compound variants for the component.

type: Array<Record<string, string> & ClassProp> | undefined

default: []

To learn more about compound variants and how to use them, check out the Compound Variants page.


description: This property allows you to define the compound slots for the component.

type: Array<Record<string, string> & ClassProp> | undefined

default: []

To learn more about compound slots and how to use them, check out the Compound Slots page.

Config (optional)

The config argument is an object with the following properties:

type TvConfig = {
  twMerge?: boolean;
  twMergeConfig?: TwMergeConfig;
  responsiveVariants?: string[] | boolean;


description: Whether to merge the class names with tailwind-merge library. It's avoid to have duplicate tailwind classes. (Recommended) see more here (opens in a new tab)

type: boolean

default: true


description: The config object for tailwind-merge library. see more here (opens in a new tab)

type: TwMergeConfig

default: {}


description: Whether to add the responsive variants to the component.

type: string[] | boolean

default: false



type ClassValue = string | string[] | null | undefined | ClassValue[];


type ClassProp<V extends unknown = ClassValue> =
  | {
      class: V;
      className?: never;
  | { class?: never; className: V }
  | { class?: never; className?: never };


type TVReturnType = {
  base?: string;
  extend?: TVReturnType;
  slots?: Record<string, string>;
  variants?: Record<string, string>;
  variantKeys?: string[];
  defaultVariants?: Record<string, string>;
  compoundVariants?: Array<Record<string, string>>;